Spousal sponsorship Canada
One of the priorities of Canadian government is family reunification giving newcomers a possibility to build successful lives.
Spousal sponsorship Canada allows your spouse or common-law partner to relocate to the country and obtain its permanent residency.
In order to be eligible for this immigration program both a sponsored person and sponsor (who must be a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen) must comply with definite requirements:
- their relationship must be qualified as spousal (legally married), common-law (continuous cohabitation) or conjugal (dependent relationship with mutual commitments);
- sponsor has to be financially responsible for a partner for three years and can’t be charged with a serious offence;
- a person providing financial support must be 18 years old, while a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner is least 16 years old;
- sponsored person mustn’t have any blood relation with his/her spouse.
In case the person providing financial support has received permanent residence in the country under Spousal sponsorship Canada, he/she may be eligible for the program after five-year term.
While applying for Spousal sponsorship Canada you must ensure the authorities that your relationships are genuine. If any fraud is discovered, sponsored individuals will lose permanent residence and will be displaced from the country.
Canadian government entitles same-sex partners to submit an application for the program under one of the above categories in case of compliance with the applicable requirements.
Canada provides two types of sponsorship regarding your current place of living: outland (available application for sponsored person living outside the country) and inland (an option for couples living together while the foreign partner has temporary status in Canada) sponsorship.
Spousal program is considered to be an important aspect of Canadian immigration and a great number of people annually apply under this category. Though many changes have been made to simplify the process, it is still recommended to consult an immigration expert in order to avoid any delays or refusals on your way to successful application.